Personalised Photo with White Frame

$ 275 AUD

  • GBP: $ 137
  • EUR: $ 167
  • USD: $ 175

The Overeem Brandy bottle is a crystal clear bottle to display your favourite photo in.

The bottle dimensions are 235mm high x 135mm wide x 55mm deep.

Your photo inside the bottle is 106mm x 73mm, making it great for portrait photos.

Originality of Bottle: The bottle has maintained their original condition and has not undergone any modifications such as heating, bending, cutting, or gluing.

Complete Wooden Frame: The handcrafted wooden frame includes all necessary hardware. This includes hanging wire and V-nails holding the frame together.

Certification of Authenticity: Each bottle is assigned a unique identification number and accompanied by a signed certificate of authenticity. This certificate guarantees the origin and intrinsic condition of the bottle and its contents.

Upload Your Favourite Photo Below

Upload your photo, wait for the crop window. Resize and move the cropping marks to get your photo perfect. Click "Update and Close". Click "Add to cart".

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    Max file size: 10 MBPermitted file types: jpg jpeg jpe png gif

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    If this bottle is a gift and you do not want it to be seen in advertising until after it has been received by the lucky person, please enter the date that we can use the image of your bottle from in the above field.

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